Teaching PDC Using the Raspberry Pi

The popular and inexpensive Raspberry Pi single-board computer provides an excellent platform for teaching parallel and distributed computing (PDC) concepts hands-on. This page contains links to such resources for professors and students.

Raspberry Pi system image

The CSinParallel project has developed a unified Raspberry Pi system image, which you can install on a MicroSD memory card and use to boot your Raspberry Pi. The image includes:

  • configuration options for connecting a Pi to a keyboard and monitor, a personal laptop, or other input/output options;
  • support for conveniently creating Raspberry Pi clusters; and
  • example code from CSinParallel modules.


Links to workshops for teaching PDC using Raspberry Pis.

  • SIGCSE 2017 Workshop 402: Teaching Parallel Computing with OpenMP on the Raspberry Pi, Saturday, March 11, 2017 (Seattle, WA)
  • SIAM CSE 2017 Workshop: Parallel Computing with OpenMP on the Raspberry Pi 3, Thursday, March 2, 2017 (Atlanta, GA)
  • Tapia 2016 workshop: Parallel Computing with OpenMP on the Raspberry Pi 3, September 16, 2016 (Austin, TX)

Funding sources

Funding for this project was partially provided by the National Science Foundation (NSF) and the DOD High Performance Computing Modernization Program (HCPMP). Adams, Brown, and Shoop are funded under NSF DUE Grants 1225739/1225796/1226172. Matthews is funded under HPCMP MIPR 62464243.

To cite this work

Matthews SJ, Adams A, Brown R, and Shoop E. "Portable Parallel Computing with the Raspberry Pi". Accepted to the 49th ACM technical symposium on Computer Science Education (SIGCSE'18), 2018. To appear.