Initial Publication Date: March 2, 2017

SIAM CSE 2017 Broader Engagement Workshop:
Parallel Computing with OpenMP on the Raspberry Pi 3

Thursday 3/2/17, 10:00-11:40, Room 207

  1. Initial survey; Introduction to Raspberry Pi - 10:00
  2. Raspberry Pi Basics, with Patterns - 10:15
  3. Integration Exemplar - 10:45
  4. Drug Design Exemplar - 11:00
  5. Wrap-up survey and raffle of a Raspberry Pi 3! - 11:35

Additional links:

  • Raspberry Pi 3 image used in this workshop
    • Download, uncompress with 7zip, and flash onto an 8GB micro USB card
  • site
    • Source of additional materials for teaching/learning parallel and distributed computing.