CSinParallel Summer 2021 Virtual Workshop
Monday, June 21
8:45am MDT -Welcome and introductions - [Dick]
Welcome; introduction of CSinParallel team members
Participation using our videoconferencing technology
Help with cluster setup after Session 3 this afternoon
9:00am-11:30am MDT -Session 1: Hands-on OpenMP on Raspberry Pi [Suzanne]
Interactive document - Raspberry Pi Handout
9:00-10:00 - Getting started; Patternlets
10:00-10:30 - (Break)
10:30-11:30 - Exemplars: Integration, Drug Design
11:30am-1:00pm MDT - (Lunch break)
1:00pm-2:00pm MDT - Session 2: PDC resources "show and tell" [Joel, moderator]
PDC curriculum video - Suzanne - Is Rapid Integration of PDC Possible?
Discussion of concerns
Some PDC resources
- Video - Fantastic PDC Resources and Where to Find Them
- CSinParallel.org [Dick]
- TSGL/TSAL Video links [Joel]
- PDC Unplugged[Suzanne]
- PDC for Beginners [Suzanne]
2:00pm-2:30pm MDT - (Break)
2:30pm-3:30pm MDT - Session 3: Hands-on experience with remote multicore computing [Dick, Libby]
Use the information for VNC access to 64-core VM sent to you in an email from Libby Shoop
The paths are similar to those found on the Raspberry Pi and given belowYour choice:
- To work on a speedup and scalability analysis of the trapezoid integration exemplar,
- follow this README on our CSinParallel GitHub code repo
- path from home directory: CSinParallel/Exemplars/TrapezoidIntegrationScaling/
- To work on several versions of the Drug Design exemplar,
- follow this README on our CSinParallel GitHub code repo
- path from home directory: CSinParallel/Exemplars/DrugDesign/
3:30pm-4:30pm MDT - (Optional social session - Main room link)
Tuesday June 22
8:45am MDT - Welcome - Session link
9:00am-11:30am MDT - Session 4: Hands-on MPI and distributed/cluster computing with Raspberry Pi [Libby]
Interactive document - Raspberry Pi MPI4Py Handout
9:00-10:00 - Getting started; Patternlets
10:00-10:30 - (Break)
10:30-11:30 - Exemplars: Forest Fire Simulation, Drug Design
11:30am-1:00pm MDT - (Lunch break)
1:00pm-2:30pm MDT - Session 5: Remote distributed computing with MPI [Dick, Libby]
1:00-1:30 - Patternlets - access this Colab notebook for Python MPI patternlets
1:30-2:30 - Drug Design and Forest Fire Exemplar with Virtual server
Use the information for VNC access to 64-core VM sent to you in an email from Libby Shoop
The paths are similar to those found on the Raspberry Pi and given belowYour choice:
- To work on the MPI Python (mpi4py) fire simulation,
- follow this README.
- path from home directory: CSinParallel/Exemplars/mpi4py-examples/fire/
- To work on the MPI Python (mpi4py) drug design using message passing
- follow this README.
- path from home directory: CSinParallel/Exemplars/mpi4py-examples/drug-design/
2:30pm-3:00pm MDT - (Break)
3:00pm-4:00pm MDT - Session 6: Undergraduate Teaching Experiences with PDC [Joel, moderator]
Lightning presentations (20 min)
- Suzanne - Dive into Systems (online text)
- Dick - Raspberry Pi kits as a Systems platform
- Joel - TSGL visualizations in Data Structures (and other courses)
- Libby - PDC in the Systems course
4:00pm-5:00pm MDT - (Optional social session - Main room link)
Wednesday, June 23
8:45am MDT - Welcome - Session link
9:00am-10:15am MDT - Session 7: Experience reports from CSinParallel adopters[Joel, moderator]
Presentations with Q&A
- Dan Ellsworth, Colorado College
- slides: Applying CSinParallel to Computer Organization.pdf (Acrobat (PDF) 300kB Jun24 21)
- David Bunde, Knox College
- Grey Ballard, Wake Forest University
- video: Parallel Dynamic Programming
- Nick Rosasco, Valparaiso University
- video: Parallel@Valpo
- slides: parallel@valpo.pdf (Acrobat (PDF) 4.3MB Jun24 21)
- Robert Montante, Bloomsburg University
- slides: pdc-networking.pdf (Acrobat (PDF) 825kB Jun24 21)
- Sandino Vargas-PĂ©rez, Kalamazoo College
- Sheikh Ghafoor, Tennessee Tech; CDER Center
10:15am-10:45am MDT - (break)
10:45am-noon MDT - Session 8: Curriculum workshop session [Dick, moderator]
Question: What concrete steps would you take to add more PDC to your course(s) or your department's curriculum?
- Start formulating some potential plans for your own institution
- At the end of the breakout:
- Write a chat with work session room number(s) followed by a one-sentence summary of your start.
Topical work sessions (25 min - suggest silent start)
Room 1 - PDC in intro/multiple courses
Room 2 - What prerequisite courses before PDC?
Room 3 - Getting access to resources
Room 4 - PDC + other application areas (Cybersecurity, AI, Data Science, ...)
Report out, discussion (25 min)
11:50am MDT - Wrap-up
Noon-1:00pm MDT - (Optional social session - Main room link)
Additional resources
Raspberry Pi setup
- Raspberry Pi image for this workshop (gzip format)
- Using WiFi While Connected to Your Raspberry Pi
- Assembling a Self-Organizing Cluster of Raspberry Pis
- Parts Lists for Raspberry Pi kits
Example code access
- CSinParallel GitHub code repo (multicore and MPI)