I: Module InfoUse this form to submit Module to the collection. When you submit this form, your submission will become a web page which will be yours to edit and enhance.
Copyright and Permissions: You retain all rights to your contributed work and are responsible for referencing other people's work and for obtaining permission to use any copyrighted material within your contribution. By contributing your work to this web site, you are offering it up for use by anyone as long as they attribute it to you and don't use it for commercial purposes. View our terms of use (opens in a new window) for more details about this kind of Creative Commons license (opens in a new window)
To contribute:
- Fill out part or all of the form below and submit it. You must provide both a title
and email address in the form below. All the other fields can be filled in below or left blank and edited further in step 2 after you submit the form. You may find it helpful to enter at least draft versions of text in the fields below.
Note that if you leave the page without submitting the form any information you may have entered will be discarded. Once you submit the form your information will be saved. - Visit the resulting web page and make additions and updates. Following these instructions (opens in a new window) (which will also be provided in email after you submit the form) you'll be able to immediately see and edit the web page created from your submission. Even if you submitted 'final' text in step 1 you'll still need to at least view the resulting web page. If you don't view the web page it won't actually be available (e.g. for others who may need to view it) until it's manually acted on by SERC staff which may take several days.
Be sure to hit the SUBMIT button before leaving this page or your information will be lost. We encourage you to compose your answers to the longer questions in a word processor and to cut and paste the resulting text into this form.
If you need help submitting your activity, please contact Molly Kent.
The title should be evocative of the main point(s) of the activity. It needs to communicate the full context of the activity on its own as it will show up in places like search returns (e.g. Google) where people won't have any contextual clues. So it should convey the idea that this is a teaching activity, what the subject matter is and what the relevant pedagogical focus is. For example: Solar Radiation: Sample Socratic Questions
Name and institution of author(s) of the activity and any other appropriate attribution information. If the page is based on materials originally created elsewhere that should be noted with attribution given to the original authors and links provided to the original materials.
For example: This page authored by Jon Smith, Big State University, based on an original activity by Jane Smith, Smallville College.
Email addresses of the activity author(s) separated by commas. These will not be displayed in the activity page but are used for internal tracking.
This text should make it clear what the activity is. It should provide an overview of the things that students will do and the intended outcomes.
The description should be concise and compelling: typically no more than 1-2 very brief paragraphs.
For Example
To prepare for this case study, students do background reading on landslides and rock avalanches and read the introductory portion of Hermanns and Strecker's 1999 article on rock avalanches in Argentina. In class, students receive data (assembled from figures in the article) on bedrock geology and physiography, as well as stereonets showing orientations of prominent joint sets, bedding, and foliations in the bedrock. Their task is to answer the question of why gigantic rock avalanches occur is some places but not others in this part of Argentina. The activity gives students practice in interpreting geologic maps, using stereonets, and peer teaching. Each student receives one of four possible data sets and must ultimately explain his/her analysis to others. The activity also connects structural geology to another geoscience discipline.
What concepts and content should students learn from this activity? Are there higher-order thinking skills (e.g. critical thinking, data analysis, synthesis of ideas, model development) that are developed by this activity? Are there other skills (writing, oral presentation, field techniques, equipment operation, etc.) that are developed by the activity.
Context for Use
This text should help faculty understand the types of teaching situations for which this activity is appropriate.
Important types of context include educational level, class size, institution type, etc. Is it lab, lecture, or field exercise, or a longer project? How much time is needed for the activity. Is there special equipment that is necessary? Are there skills or concepts that students should have already mastered before encountering this activity? How is this activity situated in the course? How easy (or hard) would it be to adapt the activity for use in other settings?
Activity Description and Teaching Materials
This section should include a narrative describing the mechanics of the activity
and all the materials needed to implement the activity (or links and references to those materials).
- If the material is available on another site please provide the full url.
- If you have the materials in hand they can be uploaded using the fields below and they will
be embedded in the final page so that they can be downloaded.
- If they are published print materials please provide a complete bibliographic reference.
- If the activity is fully documented at another site please provide the url along with a brief (one or two sentence)
description of the other site.
For all materials include, in the box below, a brief description of each item
covering what it is and what its role is in the activity.
If you upload files as part of your activity remember to consider their final use in deciding on appropriate formats.
Materials that other faculty are likely to modify should be provided in easily editable formats (plain text, Word files),
whereas materials that will be likely only used verbatim are most convenient in formats that are universally
readable (PDF format is often a good choice).
Once this form has been submitted we can work with you to integrate the downloadable files into the text of this section.
Please be sure all materials you upload can be freely redistributed. For more information about copyright as it applies to materials you are sharing through this site please check our more detailed discussion of this issue.
If you have more than five files, include the first five here. After completing this form you will have the opportunity to edit the resulting web page and to upload additional files at that point.
Teaching Notes
This section should include notes and tips for instructors who might use the activity. Information such as common areas of confusion, things that need reinforcement, safety guidelines and other practical tips, and pointers for making the best use of the activity are appropriate.
This section should describe how the author determines whether or not students (either individually or collectively) are achieving the learning goals outlined for the activity. Other relevant assessment strategies may also be described in this section.
This section should include references and links to online resources that discuss the specific activity or will support faculty and/or students using the activity.
Web resources should include both the url and a brief description of the site (and why it is relevant). Print resource should include basic citation information as well as a brief description of the resource.
Short Description
The short description should be a distillation of the summary above. This description will be displayed in search returns. The optimal length for this description is on the order of 1-2 sentences.