Module Code List for Workshop

This information is also available in a README file inside the directory named shared in the accounts you are given for the workshop.

The following folders (names in bold) in the shared directory contain code for modules in the collection of teaching modules found on Below the name of each folder is the link to the corresponding module page on We have set up this code for ease of use at the workshop. Each module's web page designed for classroom use also contains the necessary code that we have replicated in one place for you.

You can use this page to navigate to information about the module and module material designed for your students that you can follow along and try on the machine access we have provided (see: Description and Teaching Materials section).

CUDAArchitecture [CUDA]

Instructor Example: Optimizing CUDA for GPU Architecture module page

ConceptDataDecomposition [CUDA, OpenMP, and MPI]

Concept: Data Decomposition Pattern module page

DistributedMemoryProgramming [MPI]

Distributed Computing Fundamentals module page

DrugDesignExemplar [OpenMP]

Drug Design Exemplar module page

GPUProgramming [CUDA]

GPU Programming module page

HeterogeneousProgramming [MPI+CUDA]

Heterogeneous Computing module page

MonteCarloSimulationExemplar [OpenMP]

Monte Carlo Simulations: Parallelism in CS1/CS2 module page

MulticoreProgramming [OpenMP]

Multicore Programming with OpenMP module page

PandemicWithoutMPI [OpenMP]

Pandemic Exemplar module page

Patternlets [OPenMP, MPI, pThreads]

Patternlets in Parallel Programming module page


Timing Operations in CUDA module page

VisualizeNumericalIntegration [OpenMP, MPI]

Visualize Numerical Integration module page