CSinParallel Summer 2020 Virtual Workshop
Wednesday, July 8
8:45am MDT -Welcome and introductions - [Dick]
Welcome; introduction of CSinParallel team members
Participation using our videoconferencing technology
- (Please use the chat feature to share your name and affiliation with everyone in this session)
Help with cluster setup after Session 3 this afternoon
9:00am-11:30am MDT -Session 1: OpenMP on Raspberry Pi [Suzanne]
Interactive document - Raspberry Pi Handout
9:00-10:00 - Getting started; Patternlets
10:00-10:30 - (Break)
10:30-11:30 - Exemplars: Integration, Drug Design
11:30am-1:00pm MDT - (Lunch break)
1:00pm-2:00pm MDT - Session 2: PDC resources "show and tell" [Dick, moderator]
2:00pm-2:30pm MDT - (Break)
2:30pm-3:30pm MDT - Session 3: BOF - Strategies for teaching PDC remotely [Joel, moderator]
3:30pm-4:30pm MDT - (Optional social session) - Session link
Thursday, July 9
8:45am MDT - Welcome - Session link
9:00am-11:30am MDT - Session 4: MPI and distributed/cluster computing [Libby]
9:00-10:00 - Getting started; Patternlets
Use this Google colab in your Chrome browser to try some basic distributed programming examples. Note that you should be logged into a Google account to use this Google colab, as it makes a copy of the notebook and accesses images on a Google Drive.
10:00-10:30 - (Break)
10:30-11:30 - Exemplars: Forest Fire Simulation, Drug Design
We have 2 options for trying the forest fire simulation:
- A cluster configured on chameleoncloud.org (here is a whitepaper describing this resource).
- A multicore server at St. Olaf College.
The drug design example is only available on option 2.
1. Resources for using a jupyter notebook to run the forest fire simulation on Chameleon
Usernames and password: Please see separate email
2. Resources for using a linux server at St. Olaf called virtual20.cs.stolaf.edu
Starting a connection using VNC viewer: VNC_connect.pdf (Acrobat (PDF) 433kB Jul7 20)
Click here, opening in a new tab, to get to the Chrome VNC viewer page
Usernames and password: Please see separate email
After connecting, using linux GUI interface: VNC_viewer_steps_stolaf.pdf (Acrobat (PDF) 345kB Jul7 20)
General Instructions for these examples: General_README.pdf (Acrobat (PDF) 43kB Jul7 20)
Specific step-by-step instructions for working through the fire simulation: Fire_README.pdf (Acrobat (PDF) 506kB Jul7 20)
Specific step-by-step instructions for working through the drug design example: Drug_Design_README.pdf (Acrobat (PDF) 94kB Jul7 20)
11:30am-1:00pm MDT - (Lunch break)
1:00pm-2:30pm MDT - Session 5: Microcluster Showcase [Suzanne, moderator]
1:00-1:30 - Presentations
James Wolfer, Indiana University South Bend - video presentation
Libby Shoop, Macalester College - video presentation
Bob Montante, Bloomsburg University - video presentation
Joel Adams, Calvin University - video presentation
1:30-2:00 - Live full-group Q&A with the panel of presenters
2:00-2:30 - Breakout rooms per presenter, for followup
2:30pm-3:00pm MDT - (Break)
3:00pm-4:00pm MDT - Session 6: Teaching PDC in core undergraduate courses [Dick, moderator]
PDC curriculum video - Suzanne - Is Rapid Integration of PDC Possible?
Lightning presentations
Dick - Raspberry Pi kits as a Systems platform
Suzanne - Dive into Systems (online text)
Joel - TSGL visualizations in Data Structures
Libby - PDC in the Systems course
Discussion - What works? What doesn't work?
4:00pm-5:00pm MDT - (Optional social session) - Session link
Friday, July 10
8:45am MDT - Welcome - Session link
9:00am-10:15am MDT - Session 7: Presentations by alumni of prior workshops [Dick, moderator]
Presentations with Q&A
Bob Montante, Bloomsburg University - video presentation
Nick Rosasco, Valparaiso University - video presentation
Marc Smith, Vassar College- video presentation
Sheikh Ghafoor, Tennessee Tech - CEDR
10:15am-10:45am MDT - (break)
10:45am-noon MDT - Session 8: Curriculum workshop session [Dick, moderator]
Question: What concrete steps would you take to add more PDC to your course(s) or your department's curriculum?
- Start formulating some potential plans foryour own institution
- Write room number(s) followed by a one-sentence summary of your start.
Topical work sessions (30 min) - half silent?
Room 1 - PDC in intro/multiple coursesRoom 2 - What prerequisite courses before PDC?
Report out, discussion (30 min)
11:50am MDT - Wrap-up
Noon-1:00pm MDT - (Optional social session) - Session link
- Raspberry Pi image for this workshop: